Six minutes at the Comedy Cave

LyleBateman-ComedyCave-29Jan2008-captureTuesday night I was invited back down to the Comedy Cave for my second guest spot on their stage. Like last time, the crowd was amazing, and the room was very comfortable. The headliner this week is the amazing Sugar Sammy, a Canadian with East-Indian descent who’s edgy humour had the crowd rolling. Terry Hollas is the host for this week, and the opening act on Tuesday was an improv troupe called the ImproManiacs. The order was a bit different than I first expected, as the ImproManiacs went up first and did 20 minutes or so of improv, while I took the “middle” spot in the show with a quick set just before Sugar Sammy took the stage. I was kind of surprised by the format at first, but it worked into a very smooth show that probably flowed better than it would have if the improv had broken up the stand-up sets. Good call Terry.

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Tuesday at the Comedy Cave

Its been a busy week. Along with finalizing the plans for the Pauly Shore show in Lethbridge on Saturday, I had a chance to step onto the Comedy Cave stage for the first time, with a 5 minute guest spot. I must say, I enjoyed the experience immensely. The headliner this week, Jason Robinson from Arkansas, rocked the house with his unique brand of southern charm.  I’m still chuckling over the “bruncle” bit. Also on the show were Donovan Deschner as MC, and Terry Hollas doing the middle spot

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