New Content at GAS – Arthur C. Clarke: The day the future died

Arthur C. Clarke - Dec 16, 1917 - Mar 19, 2008By Lyle Bateman
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

The golden age of science fiction” is a term used to describe a particularly fertile period in science fiction, when old conventions of “the space western” were challenged with new ideas, new themes, and new energy.

There are many names associated with that period—Heinlein Bradbury and Asimov, among others—but no name is more synonymous with that heady time in science fiction than Arthur C. Clarke. The death of Clarke, yesterday at his Sri Lanka home at the age of 90, almost closes that chapter of science-fiction history. With only Ray Bradbury left from the shiniest nuggets of the Golden Age, more than just writers are passing into history… the very ethic that created the world we live in today is slowing growing pale.

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New content at GAS … The Spirit of Discovery

The Spirit of Discovery…

December 18, 2007 by lbateman | Edit | 0 comments Silica Soil on Mars

By Lyle Bateman
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

Mars is perhaps the most storied planet in our solar system. For centuries, writers and thinkers have been telling tales about the red planet. These tales have ranged from Mars as the God of War, through the vast civilizations of Edgar Rice Burroughs and HG Wells, to the more recent story of a dead, lifeless planet.

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New Content on GAS – TiVo in Canada

A staple for serious TV viewers in the US, the TiVo box revolutionized the way people watch TV. At least, thats what the marketing says. The reality is that it’s closer to nifty toy than a revolutionary device, but it does afford a level of control over the television experience that was previously very difficult to achieve. VCR Plus+ and a lot of video tapes, along with a good database and a lot of time might have allowed you to come close to replicating the TiVo experience of easily recording your favorite programs, and watching them in your own time and way, but the TiVo put it all under one hood and provided a product that really did enhance the experience, both for serious and casual TV watchers.

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New content at GAS … Earthrise …

EarthSet from Kaguya Lunar ProbeBy Lyle Bateman
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

I’ve been a space geek ever since I was an 8 year old kid, and spent a summer inside glued to the TV watching the Apollo-Soyuz linkup in in July 1975. I’m a little too young to have watched any of the moon landings … the last one was 1972, when I was 6, and at that time, our family didn’t have a TV set. But after catching the bug from Apollo-Soyuz, I spent the next few years learning everything I could about space travel and the Apollo program. Since that time, I’ve been a confirmed space geek, fascinated by any new developments. (continued at GAS)

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