Rockin’ the Firehall … Pauly Shore live at LBN

LyleBateman-DagAustin-StephanieFoley @ LBN Lethbridge for Pauly Shore LiveI think I’ve had the best night of my comedy career so far. It’s one thing to play a sold-out show … it’s another all together to play two in a row. And its another level again when the crowd energy is as high as it was last night. Crowd response for both shows was phenomenal, but the crowd for the late show was one of the rowdiest I’ve ever seen, and the energy level was incredible.

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“Rilly big shewwww …”

Pauly Shore Show PosterAt this very early point in my comedy career, I’m looking to get whatever stage time I can. The old adage of “practice, practice, practice” is just as true for comedy as it is for anything else, and any stage time is good stage time for me right now. However, there are still some shows that are bigger than others. I’ve hesitated to publicize this particular show while the final details were being worked out, but now that everything seems to be finalized, the time has come. This weekend, Saturday Jan 19th, 2008, I’ll be doing the biggest shows of my career so far, as MC of a one night, two show engagement for Pauly Shore at La Bella Notte in Lethbridge, Alberta.

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